Vision, Mission and Values

İtibarınızı Yönetmekten Daha Önemli İşiniz Var mı?


To gather all information about the reputation researches not only in Turkey but also around the World and share it to the concerned parties.


Beğenilmenin temelinde “itibar” var!


RepMan has been the basic source and model  of reputation researches in Turkey. More than 10 years of experience in the field, RepMan, now, contributes to the industry by creating a knowledge sharing platform both for academicians and practitioners. Its mission has been designed as a not-for-profit model.


Yönetilmeyen İtibarı Rakipler Yönetir


RepMan Reputation Research Center is strictly bounded with its values. We are accountable. Since repman is a not-for-profit based initiative, we believe that accountability is the only mean to earn trust of our stakeholders. Of course, being transparent, present accurate content and global vaues are the major parts that support the philosophy of accountability.